
Check format, consistency and completeness of your inventory before submitting it to UNECE/CEIP
E-mail address

File to process

Check Grid Boundaries (Optional)

RepDab is an electronic tool to check the format, completeness and internal consistency of submissions of non-gridded emission data submitted to the Secretariat of the Air Convention (CLRTAP). RepDab is intended to assist Parties in their reporting of emissions to the Air Convention. It is also intended to ensure that the data submitted is in the correct format, complete, and free from internal inconsistencies.

In this version of RepDab, format and completeness checks are performed for national and sector emission data and for activity data information as specified in the 2009 Guidelines (ECE/EB.AIR/97), the 2014 Guidelines (ECE/EB.AIR.125) and the 2023 Guidelines for Estimating and Reporting Emissions Data under the Air Convention. For gridded emission data, only file formats and boundaries are checked.

The recommended formats for submission of air pollution emission data can be found under reporting instructions in downloadable templates. Please insert data only in required fields, RepDab will fail to read modified files with additional columns or rows.

  • Prepare your submission report as a ZIP (*.zip) or EXCEL file (*.xls or *.xlsx) using the requested templates;
  • Remove the workbook protection on all files if it is activated;
  • Type in the e-mail address where you want the output file from RepDab (RepDab Report) to be sent;
  • Select the ZIP or EXCEL file you want to check/process;
  • Click on the 'Submit Data' button;
  • After approximately 5 minutes you should receive a RepDab Report in your e-mail inbox.

How RepDab works

The file you enter into RepDab will be tested at a number of different levels. A colour code indicated in the brackets is assigned to highlight potential problems:

  • Light green:
    Table passed all RepDab tests without comments
  • Dark green:
    Table passed all RepDab tests, but please check detailed information & comments and revise if needed
  • Blue: 
    Table is incomplete - please check detailed information & comments and revise if needed
  • Yellow:
    Table contains inconsistent data - please check detailed information & comments and revise if needed
  • Red:
    Table is not in the correct format - please check detailed information & comments and adjust format