Review of emission inventories

At the 38th session of Executive Body (EB) to EMEP (Geneva, December 2018) the document Updated methods and procedures for the review of emission inventories was adopted (Decision 2018/1) with amendments proposed by EU, US and Canada. This document shall be used for the review of submitted emission inventories from 2019 onwards. The Appendix on Technical Revisions provides  guidance on the quantification of necessary technical corrections if the data are found to be inconsistent with recommended methodologies of the joint EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory Guidebook or where the emission estimates are not provided for an NFR source category

The review of emission inventories is perfomed in close cooperation with Parties to the Convention. 

Information on the applied review methods is provided in the regularly  updated Methodology report.

Review process

of emission inventories under LRTAP Convention 

In-depth review

of air emission inventories 

IIR Awards

Assessment of national inventory reports